Wednesday 6 April 2011

Spring has sprung!

I would have some pictures in this post if it were not for my slippery fingers. I dropped our camera and broke the lens! Lucy and Sam, we were finally able to go to the playground for the first time this season/year yesterday evening. After a "dipping" dinner (homemade chicken fingers, oven fries and sauteed zucchini), we headed out to the playground so that Lucy could tackle the slides. We weren't the only ones with that idea--the playground was busy with tons of kids.

Lucy, you had no fear and all of a sudden, I found you at the top of one of the biggest slides there! Last year, you were terrified of the slides and swings, and this year, no fear on the slides. You certainly don't share my aversion to heights. Even Annabelle made a new friend--a boxer/pitbull mix named Jimmy. All in all, it was a great night--it was so nice to get outside.

Sam, you have not been sleeping during the day for more than 20 minute intervals, so when you were sleeping after dinner, we didn't want to wake you up. We instead kept you in your swaddle, strapped you in your carseat/stroller and started our walk! The pediatrician thinks that perhaps your acid reflux is bothering you which is why you wake up 20 minutes into a nap, so we're going to give a few different things a try. In the meantime, I spend my days rocking and swaddling and nursing you in an attempt to get you to sleep!

Lucy, you have started to say, "Mommy, thank you for making dinner!" each night, and it makes me grin from ear to ear. You're also clearing your dishes from the table and insisting on rinsing them. I am not going to argue with that, although you are usually pretty sopping wet after that task.

This weekend, Alie took pictures for us of you guys for us. I can't wait to see them! We were able to go to Faust Park on Saturday afternoon and play with all sorts of new friends--Izzy and Andy, Oliver, Abby and Keira, Mikey and Spencer and Toby. It was quite the crew, and Lucy, you were so excited to play soccer for a little bit! We had cupcakes and cake to celebrate Kelly and Alie's birthdays, and we played all afternoon. It was great! Then that evening, we had to clean you up Lucy--Sam had stayed clean of course, but you had been digging in the dirt and playing everywhere. We also ran into your friend Tyler (from Ms. Sheri's) and Clary, who was photographing a wedding. Lucy, you have been asking about your friends from the park since then!

You can see some of the pictures that Alie took at

In the meantime, there won't be any pictures with this post. There are some on the camera that I'm waiting to pull off to post, so this post might get some additional pictures if I can ever upload them.


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