Thursday 14 April 2011

Bathtub conversation


No pictures with this again, but regardless, I had to put this one down in writing for posterity. Tonight, I was giving Sam a bath (possibly because that was the only thing that was keeping him from screaming bloody murder--tonight was not a good night! And funnily enough, he doesn't usually like baths, but tonight, he was calm.) You, as usual, were the big helper (which you have started calling yourself recently, "Mom, I'm the BIG HELPER.") and were trying to wash his tiny body with your hands, so I let you wash his feet. Daddy was encouraging you to play "this little piggy" with his toes, which you have always like to do to our toes. I was washing Sam's body with a washcloth, and you happened to notice his, to put this delicately...male part.


You inquired of Daddy and I, "What's that?" I was prepared for this moment, and calmed responded, "That is his penis." And I was planning on leaving it at that. You said, "Oh," paused for a moment, and then said, "I don't have a weenis." Daddy and I looked at each other, stifled a giggle at your very cute pronounciation, and said, "No, you're right, you don't." I again foolishly thought the conversation was over, until you proceeded with, "Ben has a weenis. But I don't have one. And Lydia doesn't have a weenis." You were quite serious, and quite correct, I might add, but it was just too cute to hear those kind of proclamations out of your mouth at almost 32 months old.

You then tried to tickle Sam's "weenis" to which Daddy responded, "We don't tickle boy's penises, Lucy." I'm pretty sure he didn't think he would have to tell you that so early in your life. Ah, the things that we have learned by being your parents. :) And that was that...but I'm pretty sure that this conversation will crack you up when you are older....MUCH the meantime, it gave Daddy and I a much needed smile and a break from Sam's fussing.


1 comment:

  1. Ahh! Broken post! I won't know what happens unless you fix it!

    That Lucy is one smart kiddo.
