Thursday 31 March 2011

Lots of fun--end of March

Lucy, you insisted upon holding Sam this morning. He wasn't very happy, so you soothed him with, "It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. I'm here! It's OK. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Sam!" You have also perfected your name--Lucy Iberson. :)
Daddy reading to Lucy while he holds Sam this past week. It's a Max and Ruby book that we found that we got from the Harpers when you were younger, Lucy. You've recently seen Max and Ruby on TV, so you were excited about the book.

Since you've turned one month Sam and since you've turned 31 months Lucy, we've done lots of new things...

We had our Parents as Teachers person over, Lucy--you impressed her, as usual. You love playing the games that Mrs. Leslie brings, and we are so proud of how you knock her socks off. You've finally gotten used to her and really open up when she arrives. It is so cute how you love all of the homemade games and learning tools she brings--you didn't want her to leave this time and gave her a kiss and a hug when she left.

You also spontaneously tell us that you "love" is too cute! And last night, you told Daddy that "he was the best!" I think he just about exploded he was so thrilled.

It is opening day for the Cardinals, so in honor of that, here is a picture of you in your daddy's Cardinals hat (he got it from our friend Gayle when he got his MBA--it is embroidered with Master Baseball Authority--get it?!)

Aunt Denise and Uncle Chris came over for dinner and to meet Sam. Lucy, you were very excited to see them! Great Aunt Teresa and Great Uncle Tom were driving through town and came to meet Sam and hug Lucy--they were so thrilled to see both of you as they only get to see you once or twice a year.Sam, you haven't been sleeping well recently (or really much at all), so this is my reminder of how cute you are when you are sleeping. Let's work on that, huh?

Lucy, you scraped your knee at Ms. Sheri's and are so excited about the sparkly band-aids that we put on it each day. Let's work on you eating breakfast more quickly, OK?! But you are doing a FABULOUS job of going on the potty--we are so proud of you for that! Your sticker chart is exploding with stickers!

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