Friday 25 March 2011

Sam--1 month

1 can't eat that cupcake just yet, Sam!!! (Lucy will take care of it for you!)
Yes, your shirt is pink. I like to think that manly men can pull off pink. Your dad can!

Look at your adorable 1 month feet!

This is you after your first bath (for some reason I can't move this picture down like I would like to):

This is what I looked like right before you came and joined our family! Sam, What a month it's been! From your arrival to now, it feels like you have been with us forever. We ALL loving cuddling with you and holding you. I am constantly laughing at your perplexed face that you make all the time, like you're just not sure about this whole gig. You are such a beautiful little boy--I am so in love with you! From the moment you were born crying, you were put into my arms and immediately calmed down. I loved that about you! I hope that throughout your life, you will come to your daddy and I for comfort. Your big sister Lucy loves you just as much as daddy and I do. She is a big help to me with you. I think you guys will be great friends later on in life. It will be interesting to see if you look like your grandpa... or your papa (Big Sam and Little Sam!)... Or someone else like your sister or daddy or me...or just like yourself!

You've had a lot happen in the last month. When we brought you home from the hospital... you were a bit jaundiced, so you had to have phototherapy at home to help get rid of the bilirubin in your system. Lucy did her best to make you feel comfortable on the bili bed, even if you hated it, by sharing one of her favorite dolls with you. It was the doll that Ms. Sheri gave to her for being a big sister! You were only on the bed from Tuesday through Thursday night, but we hated that you were on it because we couldn't hold you all day like we would have liked. You've had a steady stream of well-wishers since you were born, which has been amazing. Tons of people have come to greet and meet you! Mimi came and stayed for a whole week to help out with you and Lucy, and I loved every minute of it! While she was here, you had your first tornado warning (we all went down into the basement until about midnight--both you and your sister didn't want to go to sleep after that), and Aunt Kitty came to visit, as did Aunt Susie. Mimi and Juju babysat so that Mommy and Daddy could get out together for the first time since you were born. You also had another first--a trip to Cunetto's for lunch on Friday before Mimi left! Yippee! Already you are enjoying Italian food. (Well, Mommy was...)

You met lots of new possible friends--Emily, Dan and baby Alex came over, as did Jill, Jesse and Darcy (Lucy loved having her friend over), and Christy, Larry and Marin. Melissa, Steve and Elia came to meet you right after you were born, as did Tony Grillo (in the hospital!)

You have already rolled over from front to back (you hate tummy time!), and you coo at me all the time, which I love. You are now 8 lbs. 2 oz (at your 1 month appointment) and 21 1/4" long (which puts you at the 15% and 45% percentiles, respectively. Your noggin is 35.5, which is at the 10%, which is about where your sister was at this stage). This is you in your Miracle Blanket, which we wish was a bit more miraculous, as you are not sleeping as well as we'd like. But that is a post for another time. Right now, I feed you at 10 p.m.ish, 1:30 a.m.ish, 5 a.m.ish, and then again right when Lucy and Daddy are getting ready to head out the door.

My maternity leave and special time with you is going too quickly! I love you so much.



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