Friday 25 March 2011

Lucy--31 months

Dear Lucy,
You are 31 months now--time has flown exponentially. There were days when I could not imagine the little girl you'd become, and now those days are are no longer a baby or even a toddler. You really feel like a little girl.

You absolutely have your own personality. Not a day goes by that daddy and I don't look at each other and stifle grins or laughs at some of the hysterical things you say or do. (This is you hamming it up for the camera with your ubiquitous Barbie, which is actually Aurora/Sleeping Beauty. She watches you eat and sleep these days.)What we love most about this last month has been watching you fall in love with your baby brother. You call him "baby Sam" or "baby brother" or "baby brother Sam" all the time, and frankly, you'd spend your whole day holding him, kissing him or reading to him if we let you. You just haven't quite perfected the "gentle" maneuver of holding him properly quite yet, but you're working on it. You have exhibited very little jealousy--you do vie for attention when visitors are here, but by and large, you have been very accepting of a new life in the house. My favorite phrase from you in the last week has been "I know, I know, I know" said in a soothing tone of voice whenever Sam cries. It's what I say to Sam (why do we think we have to validate an infant's feelings?!) when he's upset, but I didn't even realize it until I heard it coming out of your mouth.

You are sick today--you came down with a fever last night, but it hasn't stopped you much. You definitely want to cuddle more than you usually do (which is not saying much as you are not a cuddler) but with a little Zyrtec and Tylenol, you've perked right up. I think the princess chicken noodle soup helped out, as did the juice. You don't normally get treats like that from your culinarily draconian mommy! But today is a special day since we're all home together. Last week you and I went to Dr. Westfall's house for his annual St. Paddy's Day party.

We have been so impressed with how you've potty trained over the last two weeks. In one weekend, you put on big girl underwear and haven't looked back. You wear pullups for naps and evenings, but other than that, you are in underwear. It's impressive!!!! You pooped on the potty today (you have been hesitant to do this, so we're working on it), and you immediately said, "Let's call Papa!" You know, as we all do, that Papa LOVES to talk about poop and would be duly impressed.

You have also LOVED all of the visitors we've had recently, and almost every night ask, "Who is coming to my house tonight?" I think you'll be disappointed when the trail of visitors dissipates.

You've been having night terrors at night, and it breaks daddy and my heart to hear you cry out, so our pediatrician (Dr. Graham, who you love), has suggested that we wake you up an hour or so after you've gone to sleep. It has seemed to help! You still have nightmares, though--the most recent have included the "light" monster and monsters in general. We're trying to teach you to scare those monsters away!

You are very into emotions right now. You can tell when daddy or I are angry with you, and you say sweetly to us, "Mommy, are you happy?" when you know perfectly well that we are not. And then when you do what we ask, you'll say, "Are you happy now?" And then we have to laugh and say yes. You want to know why people in books are scared or happy or mad or sad. You also have a fascination with "who made this", and you're quickly learning that God makes the things that we eat (vegetables, fruits).

You do cute things that surprise us every day. You are a talking machine (hmmmm, I wonder where you get that?), and you say adorable things like, "Mommy, I love you!" or "You're the best!" each day. You like going out to restaurants to eat, but you are equally complimentary of my cooking at home, ("Mom, this is good.")

You are getting big so fast--I can't believe it!

You went to a birthday party this month-the first one not hosted at someone's house. You went to Monkey Joe's and bounced around there. You had a great time, but it took you a bit to warm up to all of the craziness there!

You are into lots of pretend play.
This was one of our favorite videos recently.

Lucy, we love you SO much.

Mommy and Daddy

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